Concurrent_AA FAQ

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User interface

How do I start a game?

To begin, you must issue a challenge. Use the form at the bottom of the page that shows all games (all games page). Once you submit a challenge, other players can answer your challenge to join. Once all 5 nations have been assigned, the game begins. If you choose to play against the robot players, and all nations are assigned to either yourself or a robot when the challenge is submitted, the game begins immediately.

Can I join a game for which another user has issue a challenge?

Open challenges appear in the "Game challenges" section of the all games page. If you are allowed to join, there will be links available in the open challenges to join a game. You are permitted to participate in 5 active games/challenges at a time.

How do I create an order using the interactive map?

Make sure the game you are viewing is in Orders phase, and you have selected a nation to issue an order. If you aren't sure about this, look in the top left corner of the map page where it shows the phase and selected nation. The unit groups for the select nation that are available to take orders will have an underline in their icon on the map. Select a unit group to order by clicking it. If it is a group that hasn't yet been given any orders, you can click it multiple times to increase the number of units to include in the order. Once you've selected a unit group, the potential territories to which the group may be ordered will be highlighted with an outline. Click a destination territory to create (or extend) the order.

How do I give orders to load a Transport?

Select an empty Transport group. Order the group to move if you wish; if you order the Transport group to move, you'll have to select it again to extend its orders. To create the Load order, click the land territory that contains your land units that you wish to load. Next, select the land units to load. Click the sea territory that includes the Transport that was previously ordered to load from that land territory. Once you have given the land unit group an embark order, the Transport group and land unit group will be tied together. You can then order the Transport group to move or unload.

How do I give orders to unload a Transport?

Select the loaded Transport group. Order the group to move if you wish; if you order the group to move before unloading, you'll have to select it again to extend its orders. To create the unload order, select the target land territory. It is not necessary to give orders to associated land units.

How do I re-arrange icons on the map to organize the view?

While viewing the interactive map, any icon on the map without an underline can be re-positioned. Click on the icon, then click somewhere within the territory in which it resides to re-position. Icon positions are preserved for the entire game, and they scale with the map.

Why are their multiple versions of the same icon in the same territory on the map?

Generally, there will only ever be a single instance of an icon for a given unit type and nation in any territory. The only exception is during the Orders phase, when there resides a unit group in a territory that hasn't been given orders, and in the same territory there are one or more unit groups of the same type and nation that have been given orders. When this happens, the group shown higher is the group not yet ordered, and the lower group has been given orders (assuming you haven't re-positioned either of these groups within that territory). If you re-position icons, then the position of a unit type without orders is distinct from the position of the same unit type with orders.

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